The senior Navy Task Force is proposing an oath to be taken by every member of the Navy:
“I pledge to advocate for and acknowledge all lived experiences and intersectional identities of every sailor in the Navy. I pledge to engage in ongoing self-reflection, education and knowledge sharing to better myself and my communities. I pledge to be an example in establishing healthy, inclusive and team-oriented environments. I pledge to constructively share all experiences and information gained from activities above to inform the development of Navy-wide reforms.”
This is how far Woke think has gotten itself burrowed into the our institutions. I am sure soon other branches of the military will follow. So our universities, our colleges, our high schools, our grimmer schools.
Focus if you will on one word in the oath “intersectional” From the web site Educators 4 social Change
Intersectionality is a framework for understanding how the intersections of different aspects of identity create unique experiences of discrimination and marginalization. Kimberlé Crenshaw first conceptualized the theory of intersectionality in her 1989 paper “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.” Intersectionality unites ideas from critical race theory and feminist theory to center the unique social identity of individuals who experience the effects of interlocking systems of oppression. Specifically, Dr. Crenshaw was naming the reality that Black women face a unique kind of discrimination in a society that is both racist and misogynist. Intersectionality as a concept can be extended and applied to all intersecting identities and experiences of discrimination and oppression, making it a crucial theory of inclusive social justice. Every person has intersecting social identities that place them in a unique position in society depending on the social structures of power. Intersectionality in practice is about seeing students as complex human individuals living within a society of intersecting structures of oppression.”
How many people taking that oath, do you think fully understand what they are committing to. I would think most won’t.
Secondly the military is the last place you want this kind of disruptive activity going on. Oh you say, they will bring in contractors to teach what the oath means. Oh OK
I have up loaded a few pages from a book “The palgrave international handbook of gender and the military. Written by Orna Sasson-Levy of Bar llan University. Read page 126, if your military or former military, get a bucket beside you before you start.
Bad enough that our educational system has sucked this stuff up. Now our government has bought in. Even the pentagon.
Our military should be dedicated and trained to go into battle to defend our countries security. It should train in warfare, tactics, military history. It has by its very nature a very strict chain of command, reacts to orders and takes action based on training. Our military has to be strong, and act many times without question.
This woke is a distraction, and has no place in the military. Especially if you understand that our military is all volunteer, if you think it needs woke don’t join.