It is a sad day, this morning Rush Limbaugh passed. In 1988 he started a radio program on heard on 56 stations. Today his 3 hour show is carried by more than 600 stations with a listening audience of up to 27 million people a week. He became the voice of conservatives across America. He was a true patriot, who loved America Deeply. Rush was well known as one of the most influential conservative voices in America.
I listened to him for most of 30 years. To me he was more than just a talk show host. He had a way of being very uplifting. At times when I was down, he had a way to make things look better. When politics were fuzzy he could clarify. He became one of those people who, even though I didn’t know him personally, I called friend. I am saddened.
May God be holding you in the palm of his right hand, Rush.
Today as I have read several articles about Rush, on those that allowed comments, I read the most vile comments calling him every name in the book. Twitter was awash with trash. Written by liberals. Perhaps I should have expected that, after all while he was alive they did the same thing.
Somehow when a person passes you expect people to say something good or not say anything at all, at least that has always been my rule.
So I guess I’ll just agree with Rush, liberalism is a mental illness, I should have expected them to act like that.
They want unity, well take your unity, which is code for conforming to their world view, and stick it.