Our climate is changing. A changing climate has been constantly occurring from the beginning of earth time. Climate change will continue to occur until the end of earth time.

Graph taken from: http://joannenova.com.au/2010/02/the-big-picture-65-million-years-of-temperature-swings/?fbclid=IwAR3Gjh6jYZJYCsNNkVd92NtBB1BJrQO5qW91rv_k9qglG4H3-CrQhdEa59Y
As you can see above the earths temperature has fluctuated continually for millions of years from warming periods to cooling periods. As a general trend the earths temperature is cooling. Climate change science have ignored, and do not speak of the medieval warming period. How much CO2 was present then as compared to now? They instead only want us to focus on the last hundred years or so. The leading propagators of dome and glom only want us to see the facts that support the conclusion that want us to come to.
Recently it is hard to avoid someone saying or writing about the apoptotic nature of climate change. People like Al Gore have made millions of dollars by trying the scare the world into doing something about Climate change. They tell us, we are going to be burnt out, drown in rising sea water on and on and on.
AOC said “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” She wants to do away with all CO2 emitting objects. No more air plans, combustion engines, cows that fart, electrical generating plants, etc. No mention of the negative consequences of doing all this. Think about what the world would be like with out any carbon emitting things. Never mind asking the question is CO2 the real driver to climate change?
Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong, click on the following link to read a smart article, that point out what people like AOC have not thought through.