In an email sent out by the Oregon Department of Education, teachers were encouraged to enroll in a course called “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction.” The course came with an 82-page instructional guide that lists the ways in which white supremacy is perpetuated in math class.
From the instructional guide “White supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms in everyday teacher actions,” “Coupled with the beliefs that underlie these actions, they perpetuate educational harm on Black, Latinx, and multilingual students, denying them full access to the world of mathematics.”
Here is a list of things that supposedly perpetuate White Supremacy:
- Asking a student to show their work
- Focusing on helping students to get the right answer
- Calling answers right or wrong
- grading any form of behavior
- use Ankara fabric to teach mathematical concepts as apposed to using wood or an object that does not have cultural relevance
- adapt homework policies to fit the needs of students of color.
- suggests teachers expose students to examples of people who have used math as a form of “resistance”
- The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” the guide reads. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity.
The last one is my favorite math is perhaps of all subjects taught it is purely objective.
According to Penelope Maddy who is an American philosopher. She is a UCI Distinguished Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and of Mathematics at the University of California, Irvine: “Anything from solving a homework problem to proving a new theorem involves the immediate recognition that this is not an undertaking in which anything goes, in which we may freely follow our personal or collective whims; it is, rather, an objective undertaking par excellence.”
Is this what our education system has become? Does this prepare students to move into the adult world and be successful. From my perspective it sets students up for a massive culture shock. No wonder we have kids who can’t function in the American culture. No wonder we have frustrated young adults. It is easy to see why young adults act out believing that the world is being unfair with them. Our education system does not teach them real world values and concepts.
If you think this is only happening in Oregon Look around, see what and how your kids are being taught.

If any one who reads this regardless of race or skin color does not get a shock I would be amazed. Instead of teaching to strengthen self reliance, self responsibility, and strength they are doing the opposite. Kids need to lean that life is matriculation system you start and work your way up to what ever your potential and desires are.
If I had kids in a public school regardless of my race or skin color I would immediately be looking for a private school or seriously consider home school.
Teacher’s unions are clearly showing us what there values are, look at Chicago or New York, were they are using the pandemic for nefarious reasons, their not interested in true education, only exploitation.
The sad thing is there are some really great teachers out there, However, to keep their job, they must conform.
Maybe it is time to contemplate doing away with the public education system control from Washington.