Stop the presses, “there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.”

Biden warned on Friday that as the outbreak continues, “there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.” The president has repeatedly warned that the situation is likely to worsen before it improves.

Wait a minute if that is true why do we have states that are locked down, why are businesses forcefully closed. I thought that would stop the spread of the virus?

At this moment we have 24,985,689 people who have had covid infections. We have 417,339 deaths caused by covid, supposedly. Of course no one whats to tell us that between 97% and 99.5% recover. California has the highest number of cases at 3,142,040, but wait, that state is in total lock down, that is supposed to stop the spread right?

On November 1, 2020 I wrote a piece and posted it on face book trying to explain that we were in a pandemic and nothing would stop it save a vaccine or natural heard immunity. I got some push back from people telling me that this was all Trumps fault and that Biden had all the answers, he would fix it.

Biden in October and November, said that Trump had dropped the ball and he had a plan to tame the virus.

So all the soccer moms and suburban house wife’s who have been blaming Trump for the virus spread in the US, dutifully supported Joe.

On day one Joe comes out with a plan he is going to boost production of the vaccine, and will vaccinate 100,000 people a day for a 100 days. To bad no one told him in that week, we had averaged 816,000 vaccinations a day with one day exceeding 1.3 million vaccinations. States are getting much better at meeting the challenge of vaccine distribution. Earth to Joe Earth to Joe.

This is a pandemic, a pandemic is occurs when a communicable disease comes along that no human body has ever seen. In this case a virus, which is transmittable in the air. Because no human immune system has ever had to successfully fight it off, EVERYONE worldwide is open to becoming ill from it. No one nor any thing can control its spread. That is until a vaccine is created, heard immunity is reached, or the virus mutates itself away.

Remember it was Trump who used Warp Speed to give us a vaccine in less than 12 months. Now we have a vaccine. Trouble is that not everyone is willing to take it. Some 30% of US citizens say they will not take the vaccine. Than means that 30% of the population will continue to spread it.

So to all you soccer moms and suburban house wife’s, you can mark this one up to uncle Joe’s first major failure. Don’t despair there will be more to come.

In doing some research I ran across a Times Magazine piece written in 1954 on creating a Polio vaccine which is an interesting read. It also give you some incite as to what will happen with our current situation,,33009,819686-9,00.html