The cancel culture that we are seeing today is the equivalent of book burning.
Book burning has been going on for centurys, always for nefarious reasons. The one we related to in our time happened in 1933. In Berlin and anywhere else Nazi forces lead burning of thousands of books. “The old goes up in flames, the new shall be fashioned from the flame in our hearts”, So said Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.
Today the Cancel Culture is burning any speech or ideas that do not fit their vision, they are using technology and our far left education system to do it.
Facebook and Twitter, filter out unwanted posts. Become a pain for them they just cancel you account and prevent you from even being present. Conservative voices are not allowed to speak on the majority of campuses across the continent, Students either pressure sponsoring groups to cancel speakers, or the block or otherwise disrupt to cancel out the event.
Our American History is being rewritten, history texts being modified. Childrens books are being banned Dr. Seuss did not survive.
The poet, philosopher and political theorist John Milton, wrote “Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them to be as active as the soul was whose progeny they are” Milton further said “Anyone who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image, but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself”.
Today we hear the word Intersectionality, White privilege, and Race, if you can’t see the world thru those lenses then you must be canceled.
From Dictionary.com.
Book Burning a noun
The destruction of writings of which the subject, the view of the author , or the like is considered politically or socially objectionable: USED AS A MEANS OF CENSORSHIP OR OPPRESSION.
If that is what you want, then let it happen. Just be prepared to live under a totalitarian government.