Let the games begin, who is the next President?


Say hello to your next President. It has been widely speculated that Sleepy Joe would not last long as President. So he has been in office a little over a month. His memory lapses seem to be getting more frequent. A couple of days ago he could not remember his Sec. Of Defenses name. Last week he was giving an address online, he offered to take questions, his staff took him off the air.

Vice President Kamala Harris had another call with a foreign leader Tuesday, independent of President Biden.

Harris spoke with the prime minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, where Harris “affirmed her commitment to deepening the strong alliance between Norway and the United States.”

” The Vice President thanked the Prime Minister for Norway’s close security partnership with the United States and generous contributions to development and health security efforts around the world,” .

Harris previously took calls alone with French President Emanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shortly after the president put in a call to the French and Canadian leaders himself.

“She will be seen by everyone as a potential president in waiting,” one European ambassador told Politico in February. “Much more than in previous presidencies.”

Joe’s border policy has him in turbulent waters, and it will get worse, some tough times ahead. How will Joe stand up, or more accurately how will he be propped up?

It has been clear to a number of people including me that Obama is the man behind the curtain. The actions behind the democrat party seem eerily familiar. Look at the bills Nancy and Chucky have been pushing through Congress, they tell the story. The community organizer is still in business. Obama was leading a shadow government for the last four years. Who had Kerry in Iran, playing games behind the Trump administration?

It is said that Obama convinced Joe to pick Kamala as his VP.

So as Joe declines and the media begin to pick up on it and start to pound the drums, guess who is next in line, Why it’s Kamala, or is it?