John Kerry, (Lurch) the White House’s special envoy on climate, told us on Friday, that we only had less than a decade left to avoid the worst climate Catastrophe. “There is no room for B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it on this one,”
“Even if we did everything that we said we were going to do when we signed up in Paris, we would see a rise in the Earth’s temperature to somewhere around 3.7 degrees or more, which is catastrophic,” Kerry said.
According to Dr. Bjorn Lomborg of the Paris Accords:”Paris climate promises will reduce temperatures by just 0.05°C by 2100”
On December 9, 2020 The United Nations released its Emissions Gap Report 2020. Which said “despite a brief dip in carbon dioxide emissions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is still heading for a temperature rise.” “But for the United States, the real value in this report is as an advisory that it need not join the Paris Climate Accord. This report is evidence that, instead, the U.S. should just keep doing what it is doing to cut its own emissions. The U.S. is the most successful major country at mitigating its own pollution, and the U.N. shows this.’
According to a Study released in March 2017, a study produced by NERA Economic Consulting for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Concluded that The cost of the Paris Climate Accord to the American economy is steep. The agreement will cost American workers 6.5 million jobs and $3 trillion in economic growth by 2040,
According to a Heritage study released November 5. 2019, by 2035 A average total income loss of more than $20,000 for a family of four.
So Lurch, why are you pushing the hell out of rejoining the Paris accords, and all your climate change rhetoric. Is it because you see all that money rolling into your bank account as you ride around in your fuel gusseling private jet? You do remember that Lurch is a partner in an investment firm that invests in green energy companies, don’t you?
If we want to get serious about replacing fossil fuels. Lets think out of the box a bit.
We went to the moon in a very short time span when we created NASA and gave them one very focused goal.
We know now that the American people can lean and understand complicated situations, look what the average citizen knows about the covid pandemic.
Create a new branch of government call it the “ Strategic Power Branch”, make them accountable to the voter, with an annual vote of success or failure. Annually present a budget to the American people if the branch gets a successful vote, their budget is funded by congress, congress gets no vote. Cap any private company dealing with this branch at ten percent profit margin for any work or goods they profide.
The vote system must be based on the electoral college as defined in the Constitution. If a voter, votes Failure, then they must vote for a replacement in leadership. If a person is running to replace the current leadership, there campaign funding is capped at $250,000 and must come directly from individual contributors. No packs, or bundlers.
Both the Congress and the Executive branch must be mute on all matters delegated to the Strategic Power Branch.
If the Strategic Power Branch must take over private power producers to accomplish its objectives, it must relinquish that control once a defined set of objective are reached. The private power producers must be left whole.
Give this branch oversight on the United States Power grid and charge them with:
- Ending our nations dependence on fossil fuel. Mandate a time frame.
- Rebuilding the national power grid. And providing for the security of that grid.
- Researching and building electric power generating technology and attaching it to the grid.
- Mandate that this entity spend 10 percent of it budget on public education.
https://www.lomborg.com/press-release-research-reveals-negligible-impact-of-paris-climate-promises Lomborg report.