On day one Joe started his war on energy independence, killing the Keystone Pipeline. Following that he put a moratorium on drilling oil on national land.
I initially thought that this acts were being driven by Joe being committed to the Green New Deal, which I still believe is true, however, I now believe that these actions are part of a commitment to something much bigger.
Sometime last year I ran into something called the “Great Reset”. When I first ran into it I thought is was just another conspiracy theory that was so far out that I just kind of forgot about it. Then this week doing research on the energy activities of the new administration I found it again, and this time it seems a bit more real.
In 2010 The Great Reset was the title of a book published by Richard Florida, an urban studies researcher at the University of Toronto. Florida wrote the book in the aftermath of the 2008 global crash. Summarized it was about how the post crash economy will change the way we live and work.
Now using the Covid-19 pandemic and the lock downs it has caused, the economic crash, the social unrest as justification for something much more radical. The World Economic Form will use the pandemic as an opportunity to launch something much bigger than the Green New Deal.
In June of 2020, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations launched a campaign to “reset” the global economy. dubbed the “Great Reset”. It evolves increasing the power of government through expansive new social programs like the Green New Deal and using regulatory power and government programs to force corporations into supporting left wing causes. The plan would basically remake American society.
If you listen to the marketing pitch for the reset, it sounds like a pitch to a 15 year old, never a word about what it really entails. If you dig a little it is socialism. It openly talks about doing away with capitalism. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.
From an article written in The Hill by Justin Haskins, which quoted John Kerry at a panel discussion about the Great Reset hosted by the World Economic Forum in mid-November, where he was the special presidential envoy for climate. Kerry declared that the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that it “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine. In effect, the citizens of the United States have just done a Great Reset, We’ve done a Great Reset. And it was a record level of voting” Kerry went on to say “I know Joe Biden believes it’s not enough to just rejoin the Paris [climate accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires.” “ We’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time, the greatest opportunity we have, dealing with the climate crisis.”
We know that Joe has bought into the Green New Deal, that single initiative will fundamentally transform the United States putting it into bankruptcy and bring about government control of our lives at a very basic level.
I hope that I have laid out enough information to make you the reader interested enough to do some digging research. Write you Congressman or woman, you Senator. Don’t quietly sit by and watch your children’s/grandchildren’s opportunity for a free life be taken from them.