Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (d-Texas) introduced a bill on 1/04/2021 H.R 127 called the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act.
This bill would effectively change the right to own a firearm into a privilege. The bill would create a national database that is supposed to include every gun in the United States. Further it would make it a felony to own a firearm or ammunition without a license from the U.S. Justice Department. It would also ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, ammunition of 50 caliber or greater, and ban the possession of a “military style weapon”. Violating the bill would be punishable by heavy fines, and long minimum prison sentences.
Registration requirements cover weapons currently own and any weapon purchased after the bill is passed.
The bill would give current owners three months to identify themselves, and their weapons. Failure to comply would be punishable by a $75,000 fine and a minimum prison sentence of 15 years.
Here is how you get license, hold on to your hat. First you pay an $800 “fee”. Then a person would be examined by a psychologist who would examine the gun owner and everyone in their household to determine if they are unsuitable to possess a firearm.
So I as a gun owner must pay a fee and have some left leaning psychologist put me and my family on the couch to SUBJECTIVELY determine if I am capable of own a firearm. If you apply and do not pass, you no longer can possess a firearm, and it would be a felony to EVER possess a firearm. And guess what you need go through this every year.
First of all it is my constitutional right to own and maintain a firearm. I have gone through a back ground check when I bought a firearm, and a deeper back ground check when I got my permit to carry a concealed weapon.
This bill would give a psychologist the right to be the judge and jury on my ability to own a weapon. I have no knowledge of that persons background or credentials other than some second rate school gave out a diploma.
I have to pay the government $800 a year and go through this process every year.
This is left wing stupidity. If we do this for firearms, how about we do it for a license to drive a car, after all it to is a weapon.
And does anyone in their right mind really think that a criminal is going to go through this, or a gang member, no I doubt it, they will have their weapons.
This is just another left wing attempt at control and power. And I hope that members of the house stop it from being past
One interesting side note. While doing some research on Lee and her bill. I noted that she has increased her net worth by 388% while in office. Funny how that happens, ever wonder how?
Read the bill, but first get a bucket next to you, you will need it