Today we lost a Larger than life conservative Voice

It is a sad day, this morning Rush Limbaugh passed. In 1988 he started a radio program on heard on 56 stations. Today his 3 hour show is carried by more than 600 stations with a listening audience of up to 27 million people a week. He became the voice of conservatives across America. He was a true patriot, who loved America Deeply. Rush was well known as one of the most influential conservative voices in America.

I listened to him for most of 30 years. To me he was more than just a talk show host. He had a way of being very uplifting. At times when I was down, he had a way to make things look better. When politics were fuzzy he could clarify. He became one of those people who, even though I didn’t know him personally, I called friend. I am saddened.

May God be holding you in the palm of his right hand, Rush.


Today as I have read several articles about Rush, on those that allowed comments, I read the most vile comments calling him every name in the book. Twitter was awash with trash. Written by liberals. Perhaps I should have expected that, after all while he was alive they did the same thing.

Somehow when a person passes you expect people to say something good or not say anything at all, at least that has always been my rule.

So I guess I’ll just agree with Rush, liberalism is a mental illness, I should have expected them to act like that.

They want unity, well take your unity, which is code for conforming to their world view, and stick it.

Just some thoughts

It is clear that we have a third term of Obama.

Day one Joe managed to kill 11 thousand jobs by killing the Keystone XL pipeline. So instead of moving oil to market from the north safely we will continue to move it by rail. The US is energy independent for the first time in decades. That means that we do not have to protect our position in the mid east. That means if the mid eastern countries want to war with each other there is no need for us to get involved. If Joe screws with our energy production, which he will I am sure, were back to having to defend our oil sources and pay the price in doing so.

Joe is playing with the Palestinian Authority, expected to recognize the 67 boarders of the Palestine state. We have a working strategy to bring peace to the region. Something that has not happened in decades. Now Joe is about to screw it up, the man knows nothing about foreign policy.

Joe is changing the word alien to noncitizen in all immigration law. I wish he could grasp the word illegal.

Joe issues an edict that a mask must be warn when in or on US federal property, then shows up walking around without one. If that was his predecessor it would be headline news. Not now who notices. Oh and have you notices how many covid-19 case tickers are disappearing from the front page of news paper and cable news sites. Guess we don’t need to count now.

Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared Thursday to completely debunk CNN’s much-criticized report that the Biden administration was “starting from scratch” with its coronavirus vaccine roll out after anonymous sources claimed that the new White House inherited “no plan” from the Trump administration. Joe could be in a worse position, he could still be waiting for a vaccine, but hey give him another day and he will be taking credit for that also.


So Biden wants unity, well somebody wasn’t reading their talking points.

The media is out there agitating. The left in Congress are out for blood and pushing for a radical far left agenda. Then there are the snipers, the ones who have nothing to say but send little snippy code signals, those I am not about to forget.

These people do not want unity they want blood, they want revenge.

For years of beating the hell out of one man and anyone who supported him was not enough. Three years of a false Russian conspiracy. Come on tell me I am wrong. A year of quid pro quo which was false, the best part is your guy is on camera admitting he did the real deal, “ignored” . Four years as a supporter being called every name in the book. Oh, but now you want unity.

Okay, lets try this for starters. Today in Portland, Antifa protesters rioted, smashed window, started fires, attacked police, vandalized buildings with graffiti. Where is the out rage, where is the media, where is the FBI, where is the national guard? Oh, I forgot Antifa is the darling of the left, they get a pass in the two tier justice system. When that crap stops maybe we can talk.

Hell what am I saying, 95% of the left can hold an intelligent conversation. All they can do is parrot what is said on CNN, or printed in the talking points. But critical thinking, nope. So I guess unity is just a dream, in Joeys head, whats left of it.

Don’t Believe Anything You Read And Only Half Of What You See. — Will Rogers

What is journalism?

Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities.

Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies. History reveals that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to have.

Definition of News Reporting

News reporting involves discovering all relevant FACTS, selecting and presenting the important FACTS and weaving a comprehensive story. Reporting involves hard work, which in turn involves stamina and patience. The main function of journalistic profession is news reporting.



  1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
  2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
  3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
  4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
  5. Law . Often facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.

Research Shows

The Media Research Center (MRC) said that major media gave to the Russia probe.

“From January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) through March 21, 2019 (the last night before 2,284 minutes of coverage special counsel Robert Mueller sent his report to the attorney general), the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts produced a combined 2,284 minutes of ‘collusion’ coverage, that found no collusion most of it (1,909 minutes) following Mueller’s appointment on May 17, 2017,” MRC reports (emphasis theirs).

Axios reports that since May 2017, exactly 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump-Mueller, which in turn have generated “245 million interactions — including likes, comments and shares — on Twitter and Facebook.”

According to a count by the Republican National Committee released Sunday, The Post, the New York Times, and have written a combined 8,507 articles mentioning the special Counsel, Collusion, Obstruction.

Here is the Mueller report, by the numbers:

675: The number of days from when Mueller was appointed to the day he turned in his report to Attorney General William Barr.

19: lawyers [most of whom are Democrats and Democratic donors] who were employed by the special counsel’s office, according to on

– About 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other staff that assisted with the investigation.

– More than 2,800 subpoenas issued by the Special Counsel’s office, that’s an average of at least four per day.

– Nearly 500 search warrants executed.

– More than 230 orders for communication records.

– Nearly 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, a tool that lets the government know who someone is communicating with and when, but not what they said. 

13 evidence requests to foreign governments

500 witnesses interviewed

$25 million in posted cost as of February


So I guess Will Rogers is right. Don’t Believe Anything You Read And Only Half Of What You See.