Medicare for all is just another name for SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE.
Below is the way Elisabeth Warren would pay for Medicare for all as produced by the Urban Institute and accepted by Warren and her team.
It would put all health insurance companies out of business, and dump some two million people in the unemployment line.
It would control all health care pricing for hospitals, clinics, doctors, and all other health care providers.
Warren claims there are no taxes on the middle class, if you look at the way she is funding her program, several lines take money form the middle class and gives it to the government. Sounds like a tax to me.
It takes more than six times the amount of tax the Federal Government collects in all taxes, and additionally takes control of all funds currently spent by all governments on healthcare.
The amount of funds needed to cover required additional funding is equal to the total GDP in 2018
The most frightening thing is it puts the Federal Government in control of all facets of our health care. Ever see any thing run by the Federal bureaucracy that was run well?