If you look at a map of the red states in this country, you will see that those states contain, Americas bread basket. Where wheat, corn, soy beans, and other grains are grown. They are also where most of the meat is raised.
So what if these food producers formed a mutual, and every one sold to the mutual, rather than directly to food manufactures. Meat processors had to buy form the mutual, rather than directly form the farm.
The mutual in turn would sell openly to foreign markets, where the end products were to be sold in foreign countries.. However, in the United States, it would only sell to manufactures and processors who could validate that the were not of a liberal bent. Meaning neither the company or it’s management where not contributors to liberal parties or candidates of more than 25% of there total political contributions and they did not support the liberal agenda. In turn those manufactures and processors would not be allowed to sell there goods to liberal retailers or other distributors who distributed to the end user. If they did they would be cut off. Thus meaning that only food available to consumers was passing through conservative leaning channels.
That would mean that companies like Ben and Jerry’s would not be able to buy raw materials to make ice cream. Companies like Costco, would find it difficult to fill there shelves.
As long as liberals have no regard for our first amendment right to free speech. Then the growers of America should have no regard for a liberals need for food. Let there liberal retailers shelves go bear. Turn the screws until it hurts. Oh, big tech, let there cafeteria’s go dry.
At the retail level if they can identify a shopper who is liberal refuse to sell to them. If a shopper wants to espouse liberal BS to a clerk, fine cut them off for good. If someone can identify an individual who contributed to a left candidate, fine cut them off.
Put together a group that does nothing by identify individuals and companies who lean left, and publish. They do it to us, we can do it to them.
It is time for conservatives to take a stand, and push back using the same methods and tactics that are being used against us.
When liberals are ready to stop class warfare, then we can talk, till then, game on.
You might laugh a bit at this, however a couple of friends from the Midwest tell me that this is being bantered around and getting louder.